Impact Circles

Germany has become more colorful in recent years. Gemeinsamer Horizont e.V. sees itself as a link between the old and the new. We want to shape a common, harmonious future. We gain our strength from the diversity and solidarity of our members.

Several programs are run under the umbrella of Gemeinsamer Horizont e.V. The main focus is that Integration is not a one-way goal, Integration is a two-way process. It works best when it is based on mutual respectful communication and getting to know each other. 

Most of the projects are not aimed at only newcomers, rather at people from all the spectrum of society. Projects like WePress include different aspects, mainly, migration and education. The project was very successful, that we had to do it all over again. You can check the first version here:

And the second version here:

Gemeinsamer Horizont e.V. also provide consultancy from the expertise of its founders and members, in issues regarding migration and refugees. We provide consultancy in regarding building the residents’ Council in the Common Accommodations (gemeinschaftsunterkünfte).

Since the Pandemic in 2019, we build our online platform where refugees and migrants can participate in free online German classes.

However, the main focus now for the organization is to lobby for creating an easier system for migrant organizations. This is due to the complexity of the bureaucracy and adminstration in the Germany System.